Instead of a late yearly update I'll be posting a few of my most listened songs of 2021. Most of these have already been posted on my main account under the #MV tag but there are a few I've never posted.

Feel free to reply and tag if you want to post your favorite songs of the year or give some recommendations.

東京女子流 – ストロベリーフロート

ミームトーキョ – The Struggle is Real

武藤彩未 – 今夜のキスで忘れてほしいの

Rabbit Hutch – The Dreamer

#ババババンビ – 恋するうさぎちゃん最強伝説

Lily of the valley – Rain Melody

live performances


小島 菜々海『ありがとう~無限のエール~』2021.9.5 9月10日は℃-uteの日☆5日前SP⑦ 東京アイドル劇場mini YMCA

honorable mentions

The songs below were released before 2021 but I either discovered them during the year or they were still on repeat from years before.

kolme – the liar

東京女子流 – 純白の約束 (Royal Mirrorball Mix)

東京女子流 – ワ.ガ.マ.マ. MURO’s KG Remix

ukko (Sakura Ebis) – それは月曜日の9時のように

Philosophy no Dance – シスター